December 24, 2009

Meet Dylan James!

Our newest bouncing bundle of a boy arrived on Christmas Eve morning and what a blessing he is!  We are so in love all over again!  Dylan weighed 8lbs, 10oz and was 20 inches long.  Carson and Parker are adjusting to being big brothers and can't get enough of the little guy!  They are so good with him and want to hold and kiss him ALL DAY LONG!!  My labor and delievery was quick (although not as fast as with Parker) and relatively painless, once I got my epidural!  However, all was not without drama!  I got to the hospital only to be told there was no room for me...excuse me?!?!?  I'm having a BABY here!!!  I was put in some sort of bed with a curtain around it (like the triage of an ER department) and told I could deliver there.  Great.  I've always dreamed of delivering a baby right next to some complete stranger on the other side of the curtain who was listening in on the whole ordeal.  However, I couldn't have an epidural in the "curtain room" (also known by me as "the stable") because there was no way for the nurses to monitor me.  I was told that being in "the stable" with no epidural was better however, than delivering in the hallway.  REALLY?!?  Am I in America??  I want a bed AND an epidural, please!!!  Don't I have the right to choose this for myself and am I really asking too much??  Long story short, finally got into a room, got the heaven-sent epidural in time and Dylan made his grand entrance in about two big pushes!  Despite all the madness of the day, he was here in time to celebrate Christmas and was the best gift we could have received this year!  We headed home Christmas afternoon and life as a family of 5 has been wondeful so far!  Here are some pics of the newest addition!

Coming home from the hospital in his Santa suit on Christmas Day!  (I've always wanted a baby young enough to put in a Santa suit...lucky Dylan!!)

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